AYDAH Foundation

Advancing Health and Improving Youth self development

African Youth Development and Health Foundation,

a non-profit group, organized to

Establish, Prevent and Maintain a comprehensive and efficient healthcare delivery to the youth and underserved communities

Provide opportunities and inspire the Youth through Education, Employment and Empowerment 

Friday Fame: Ruffles & Layers

(Image Credit)

Ruffles and layers are fun, feminine, and fashionable.

Whether you go with a classy or more modern look, you will be sure to turn heads as you're walking around school, going to work, or even enjoying the day at an outdoor mall. The way the fabric moves along with your every step is very attractive!

I'm such a fan of ruffles, layers and all the flowyness that comes along with it. Even my wedding dress had a gathered layerish look!

What do you think?