AYDAH Foundation

Advancing Health and Improving Youth self development

African Youth Development and Health Foundation,

a non-profit group, organized to

Establish, Prevent and Maintain a comprehensive and efficient healthcare delivery to the youth and underserved communities

Provide opportunities and inspire the Youth through Education, Employment and Empowerment 

Eclipse Nordstrom Challenge

Polyvore.com always has great contests going. One of their current contests is to create a set inspired by Twilight: Eclipse using at least one apparel item from the Twilight Fashion Line at Nordstrom.

The Winner will received 2 tickets to the June 24 Los Angeles premiere, travel and hotel accommodations for two, personal styling by BP. Nordstrom, and a a red-carpet view of the stars. You can enter here!

While I wouldn't consider myself an obsessive fan girl, I'm definitely a fan of the series. So, I created a set the other night. However, when I tried to upload my entry it made it seem as if I didn't have any items from the Nordstrom store. I had in fact, more than one. After many attempts to submit my set, I noticed the submission guidelines say that you can only use items from Nordstrom, Fonts.com, and SXC.HU. After a long sigh, I created another set. Here are both versions...

I really like the first set the most. What do you think? There are near 4,000 entries so I doubt I will win but it was fun to create!

Don't forget to join our Polyvore Group! We need more members before we can hold our own contest!