AYDAH Foundation

Advancing Health and Improving Youth self development

African Youth Development and Health Foundation,

a non-profit group, organized to

Establish, Prevent and Maintain a comprehensive and efficient healthcare delivery to the youth and underserved communities

Provide opportunities and inspire the Youth through Education, Employment and Empowerment 

Friday Fame: Dianna Agron

For my turn at the Friday Fame wheel, I thought that I'd post about one of my favorite new actresses, Dianna Agron. Dianna plays Quinn on the TV show Glee and the dress pictured above is one of my favorite dresses from the entire awards season.

The dress is by Reem Acra and I love her makeup and accessories here. I'm not 100% sold on her hair at the event, but I love the look as a whole in spite of that. The empire waist, sweetheart neckline and chiffon fabric all contribute to making this an appropriately young look, but the diamond bracelet and cool gray color really keeps in elegant and adds an air of sophistication.

image credit: FabSugar