AYDAH Foundation

Advancing Health and Improving Youth self development

African Youth Development and Health Foundation,

a non-profit group, organized to

Establish, Prevent and Maintain a comprehensive and efficient healthcare delivery to the youth and underserved communities

Provide opportunities and inspire the Youth through Education, Employment and Empowerment 

Friday Fame: Jessica Schroeder

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This is Jessia Schroeder of What I Wore. I absolutely love this photo and her flawless look. If I hadn't decided to grow my hair out again I would definitely go for this sort of hair-cut, coloring and of course, the volume! I'm usually not a fan of super short hair, but I think this is stunning!

Besides my obsession over her hair I also really like her make-up. I love the dramatic eyes and deep red lips. It looks radiant against her light complexion.

Picture Credit: FromMeToYou